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Monday Free-for-all | Count your blessings

5 Sep

I call this the calm before the storm. Next week could possibly be my busiest week of life. I have a wedding Saturday, an event Sunday, two days of editing, then 15 sessions between Wednesday and Saturday, and traveling on Sunday. Shew. Busy busy week. So…..let’s get rested this week. Right?

I am doing a little catch up on my “blessings” from yesterday.

I am blessed because:

– I just moved into my dream home. A house that I plan to live in a for a long time. We literally live in the Boondocks.

– I have healthy children. I have come across many blogs lately of parents that have either 1. lost a child or 2. have children who are suffering or live with a disease. I don’t know where they find the strength to make it through a day. Wait. I do know. 🙂

On that note, I have to say how blessed I am to have Gabriel. We celebrated his 2nd birthday this past weekend. I can’t say that I feel completely like I deserve to have him in my life after the year I had last year, but nonetheless…I am thankful that Heavenly Father has entrusted Zed and me with raising him. He’s a HANDFUL (I don’t say that lightly) but he’s my baby.

I just came across this “pin” on Pinterest. I’ve never read a quote that hit me so hard as this one did.

– I am thankful for friends that come to your rescue when you are ready to throw in the towel. It’s even better when they have (or had) no idea that they were needed so terribly bad. I am blessed to have amazing friends in my life.

And thank you Mumford & Sons for such wise words, always.

Until next time.