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School bus drivers, box tops, Gabe, and pictures.

31 Aug


School bus drivers. Do we really think about how important they are? I was thinking about them a couple days ago when Gavin hopped on the bus from our house. We are trusting them to care for our children, without our supervision…someone we do not know. They take on such a HUGE responsibility driving that gigantor bus…with who knows how many kids. I know one thing: I could never do it.

Do we give them enough credit? I bet they get paid peanuts too. I truly appreciate all the bus drivers out there. And for helping in that SMALL way…taking a load off me, by taking my child to school for me. That is MY responsibility…making sure my child is at school each day. So, I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart.


While we are on the topic of school, do you collect Box Tops for your school? You really should! It’s a great program that donates $.10 to your school that participates. Most school do participate in this program, but if not, you can be a coordinator. They look like this: (pulled from the Internet)

And here is my stash that I need to actually send with Gavin tomorrow.


This week, my baby turns 2. I can not believe how fast time goes by. I know we say this all the time…but its crazy true. Happy 2nd birthday (Saturday) to my baby…Gabriel.

(complete with nacho cheese on his face…LOVE)


Where do you go when you need advice/a get-away/vent/etc/etc? Is it a person, place, thing, activity? I’m curious to see how others get away mentally. I know that my camera brings me a calm that I’ve never experienced before. I’m pushing myself to try new things and create new projects. It keeps me busy. I’ve always believe in the saying, “An idle mind is the devil’s playground.” It is so true. The great thing, is I can take my camera anywhere.


Why take pictures? Why is everyone a photographer these days? Why is it so important to document life? WHY WHY WHY??? LOL. Well, I think our memory only lasts so long. I love the fact that so many people are embracing the art of photography. There is no rule saying who can be what. If you want to be superwoman…then be it. If you want to be a rockstar…do it. If you want to take pictures for a living…make that money honey. I feel that if I’m gonna have a fairytale life/story like “The Notebook”. I may as well go along with it. My “notebook” is my photos. If my memory ever fails me, I can look back on those images and remember. Thats why.

Until next time,